Accessibility in Language Learning (ALL SIG)

ALL in - Short monthly member meet ups (1/1)


Welcome ALL members and nonmembers to our monthly free conversation, “Open House” event!!

ALL SIG intends to have an “Open House” event on the 26th of each month which is also the anniversary of our founding 😉 ALL SIG became an official SIG on June 26th 2021. The first “Open House” of 2024 will be held at 19:00-19:30 Friday 26th January. Anyone who is interested in joining JALT or ALL SIG, who is a member or would like to be an officer or has a request to officers etc. is welcome.  It will be a casual event so just come, relax and let’s enjoy chatting about our common interests in Accessibility!

Some topics we can chat about: 

  • Who are we?
  • What is our teaching/learning context?
  • What are important issues?
  • How can ALL help?


Here is the ZOOM link:
Natsuki Suzuki さんがあなたをスケジュール済みの Zoom ミーティングに招待しています。

トピック: Natsuki Suzuki's Personal Meeting Room

参加 Zoom ミーティング

MTG ID: 579 420 0666

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!