21 September 2024
Iwate University Ueda Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

A Gamification Approach to Teaching Hospital English to Medical Students

21 Sept 2024, 11:10
Poster Room (Iwate University - Ueda Campus)

Poster Room

Iwate University - Ueda Campus

Poster Sessions Morning (11:10am-12:10pm) Poster Session 1 Morning


Poster Summary
Medical Vocabulary and terminology can be difficult for medical students. When working in a hospital, it might be difficult to understand what each department or ward is about. To assist students with these problems, a game was created by the author to help students and learn about different parts of the hospital. This poster presentation will go over the lesson plan, and the game itself. Students can learn vocabulary in a fun, gamified way.
Extended Summary
Gamification has played a role in assisting educators in higher education with language teaching. Creating games for use in the classrooms has helped improve motivation and engagement in students. (Ivanjko, et al., 2020) Games are fun and helps educators in making lessons fun and enjoyable for the students. It is used in various genres such as information and communication technology, healthcare, marketing, education, and business. (Husseinovic, 2023) gamifying medical vocabulary is the basis of this presenter’s lesson plan. Medical Vocabulary and terminology can be difficult for medical students. When working in a hospital, it might be difficult to understand what each department or ward is about. To assist students with these problems, a game was created by the author to help students and learn about different parts of the hospital. This poster presentation will go over the lesson plan, and the game itself. The name of the game is English Simulation Hospital. Students can learn vocabulary in a fun, gamified way. It is hoped this can be used in the classroom to assist learning vocabulary.

Primary author

Presentation materials