21 September 2024
Iwate University Ueda Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Enhancing Students' Spoken English for Study Abroad through Teacher-Created Dialogs

21 Sept 2024, 14:00
Poster Room (Iwate University - Ueda Campus)

Poster Room

Iwate University - Ueda Campus

Poster Sessions Afternoon (2:00pm-3:00pm) Poster Session 2 Afternoon


Rachel Patterson (Kindai University)


Email Address: Rachel.Patterson@ilscedu.com
Name: Rachel Patterson
Affiliation: Kindai University

Poster Title: Enhancing Students' Spoken English for Study Abroad through Teacher-Created Dialogs

Poster Summary: This poster explores a collection of teacher-created dialogues designed to propel university students towards fluency in everyday North American English. Tailored specifically for pre-departure a study abroad program, these dialogues go beyond basic textbook examples, focusing on more natural-sounding speech acts.

Extended Abstract: Students often know the model conversations in their textbooks are somewhat inauthentic and thus less interesting. Teachers may ask students to write their own dialogs, resulting in several awkward or strange phrases and stiff unnatural interactions. Even dialogs created using AI tools has several limitations. This poster explores the process and collection of teacher-created, more authentic dialogues designed to propel university students towards fluency in everyday North American English. Tailored specifically for pre-departure a study abroad program, these dialogues go beyond basic textbook examples, focusing on more natural-sounding speech acts. Students hone essential communication skills like making small talk, requesting politely, apologizing effectively, and sharing news in a way that is sounds like North American English speakers. The methodology used in this approach engages students, provides meaningful input and practice which then prepares learners for graded role plays and, ultimately, the real-world interactions they'll encounter during their experience abroad.

Presenter Bio: Rachel Patterson is an EFL teacher at the Kindai University Faculty of International Studies. She works with the Global Studies program which prepares students for semester-long study-abroad program. She has extensive experience in creating and implementing authentic language learning resources aimed at improving students' communicative skills and cultural knowledge.

Primary author

Rachel Patterson (Kindai University)

Presentation materials