31 October 2025 to 2 November 2025
National Olympics Memorial Youth Center / 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

JALT2025 Call for Vetted Presentation Proposals


Please read through all the instructions carefully before submitting your proposal. For example, the author must hit the "Microphone" icon next to the “Author” field for the submission to be accepted by the system. Thank you for your attention to these details.

Important note: If you have not already done so, we recommend making a profile at: events.jalt.org. Click the "Login" button in the upper-right corner of the screen to get started. This will make the submission process easier.

• All vetted submissions are due by Sunday, March 9, 2025, 11:59 PM (Japan Standard Time).
• There are two major deadlines for JALT2025 submissions – vetted and unvetted. The vetted deadline is above. Instructions regarding unvetted submissions will be posted soon.
• UNVETTED includes - SIG Forums, First Time Chapter Presenters, VIP Speakers (Plenary Speakers, Featured Speakers, Invited Speakers), NPO JALT business meetings, Official JALT Sponsor presentations, and the like. If you have any questions about how your submission should be catergorized, please email us at "For Conference Inquiries".

• Please read the following carefully to ensure there are no problems with your submission. It is the submitter’s responsibility to ensure they submit their abstract correctly. If in doubt about how to make a presentation proposal, please email us at "For Conference Inquiries".
• Only proposals received on or before the deadline that meet all guidelines will be reviewed.
• We will notify presenters in June 2025 with their submission results.
• Noncommercial presenters at JALT2025 can submit a paper based on their presentation for publication in the peer-reviewed 2026 Postconference Publication, LanguageS: Learning, Teaching, Assessing – JALT 50 Years – Challenges and Perspectives.
• Non-JALT members are welcome and encouraged to submit proposals for JALT2025. You do not have to be a JALT member to present at the conference, though the conference fees for JALT members are less than for nonmembers.
• If you are a first-time presenter, there are many ways to gain support for conference-related expenses. JALT Conference Planning can provide you with the appropriate information. Bookmark this site and return for all JALT2025 conference information.
• We support a multi- and pluri-lingual approach and recommend presenters, where possible, prepare slides in a language different than the spoken language of the presentation. JALT supports ways of presenting that provide full accessibility and inclusion for all attendees.

Key Points For Submissions

Please follow these points carefully. Failure to do so may result in your submission being rejected.
• All presentations are limited to a maximum of six (6) presenters for all session formats.
◦ No more than three (3) individuals from any single institution should apply under the same submission.
◦ To aim for diversity in the schedule, presenters are limited to a maximum of one vetted presentation as the main presenter, and no more than two (2) presentations in total. If you submit more than the prescribed number, you will be asked to withdraw from some presentations.
• All listed presenters must register for the conference and actively participate in the presentation to be included in the handbook/schedule. Co-researchers who do not attend the conference or participate in the presentation will not be listed in the handbook.
• If your research is incomplete or you are unsure if you will have the funding or time to attend the conference, you should wait and submit to a future conference. We do not accept research proposals and cannot make substantive changes to submissions once the vetting procedure has begun.
• Abstracts must be submitted in English or Japanese.
• Your presentation title can be no more than sixty (60) characters including spaces. Titles must be in English.
• Your short summary is limited to a maximum of seventy-five (75) words or 150 Japanese characters.
• Your abstract must be between 150-350 words or 300-500 Japanese characters.
◦ No name or information should be included in the abstract that could be used to identify the possible presenter(s). This includes research grant numbers, university names, and the like.

Vetted Proposals (Reviewed by a committee)

Deadline: Sunday, March 9, 2025, 11:59pm Japan Standard Time. Late submissions will not be accepted.

This is the main type of proposal submitted to the conference by JALT members or nonmembers. These presentations will be held Friday, October 31 – Sunday, November 2, 2025. Read below to find out more about the range of sessions available, read the advice, check the submission instructions, then visit the submission form to send your proposal.

Important: Only submissions made through the online submission form will be accepted. Please follow the steps below to ensure your vetted submission is received in its complete and correct form.

Featured Speaker Workshops

These workshops will be held on Saturday, November 1 and Sunday, November 2, 2025.

These are sponsored workshops - Official JALT Sponsors, JALT Chapters or JALT SIGs. If you want to sponsor someone through the Featured Speaker Workshop program, information regarding submissions including deadlines will be posted shortly.

Unvetted Proposals

If you want to submit an unvetted proposal, information regarding submissions including deadlines will be posted shortly.
If you have any specific questions or comments, send them to the Director of Conference via the "For Conference Inquiries" address.

Unvetted submissions covers special submissions and JALT administration, and includes the following:
• JALT Meetings
• Chapter First-Time Presenter Program (contact your chapter president and veteran officers for details on this program)
• SIG Forums (one forum per SIG)
• Official JALT Sponsor submissions (individual JALT Sponsors should contact the Sponsor Liaison for further details - sponsors@jalt.org)
• Submissions made through a JALT International or Domestic Partnership Agreement.

Session Formats and Types for Vetted Abstract Proposals

Choose the format that best suits the presentation that you want to make. Please note that we may suggest an alternative. For example, you may be asked to present for 30 minutes rather than 60 minutes, form a panel with other presenters speaking on a similar topic, or change your planned presentation into a poster session. As online presenting has become more mainstream and viable, JALT may move presentations to an online format. We do our best to avoid such situations, but please understand such a situation could occur.

Please note that there is a maximum of 6 presenters for all session formats.


1. Research-Oriented Presentation (30 or 60 minutes)
These presentations should include a clearly indicated research topic, a brief literature review, an overview of the research methodology and findings, and a discussion of the implications for theory and/or practice. A significantly larger proportion of 30-minute sessions will be accepted.

2. Practice-Oriented Workshop (30 or 60 minutes)
This kind of session shows, as well as describes a technique for teaching, testing, or other education-related matters. This should be a hands-on professional development session that gives attendees the opportunity to learn to do something new. A significantly larger proportion of 30-minute sessions will be accepted.

3. Forum (60 or 90 minutes)
Multiple presenters give presentations on a similar topic. A forum can also be convened as a panel discussion (6 presenters maximum). (Each JALT SIG can submit one unvetted forum. Deadline – To Be Announced.)

4. Poster Session (60 minutes)
Poster presentations with charts, graphs, illustrations, and summaries convey information quickly and effectively and allow for short, informal discussion between the presenter(s) and attendees, as attendees circulate within the poster-session area. Poster sessions serve as an important and interactive forum for sharing professional ideas and for receiving feedback.
◦ Poster exhibits are set up side-by-side within the session area during the hour before the session and dismantled within the hour afterward.
◦ No audiovisual equipment (e.g., no projectors or screens) will be provided.
◦ Note that there will be no online poster presentations. Any poster submission will be treated as a face-to-face session.

Submission Guidelines

• Please read for detailed instructions and guidance.

Important Note
応募手続きに不備があった場合、その責任はすべて応募者にあります。応募の有効性や妥当性に問題が生じた場合、正式に期限内に提出したことを証明するために、受理されたことを示すメールのコピーを提示してください。FOR DIRECT ASSISTANCE CONTACT US AT - conf-program@jalt.org

• Prepare a title of no more than 60 characters including spaces. Titles must be in English.
• Prepare a summary (maximum of 75 words or 150 Japanese characters) and an abstract (150-350 words or 300-500 Japanese characters). The summary is for the handbook and the abstract is for blind peer review.
◦ Use plain text only. Do not format your abstract or short summary with tabs, bold text, bullet marks, or multiple line breaks between paragraphs. Any formatting will be stripped when the document is submitted to the database and sent to the reading committee for blind peer review.
◦ Use a single space only after punctuation such as periods/full stops, not double spaces.
• Enter all your submission details following the on-screen guidelines. Please follow the guidelines carefully to ensure there are no problems with your submission.
• All correspondence from the program committee regarding your submission will be via email, so ensure you enter valid primary and secondary email addresses if you can. Check your spam or junk mail folder in case our correspondence is diverted there.
• Once you submit your presentation, you will receive an automatic confirmation email message listing the details of your submission. In most cases, this confirmation email will be sent within a few seconds of your submission. This email message is your receipt to show your submission has been received and entered into the conference database. Please keep a copy of this message in case of any queries or problems related to your submission.
• If you DO NOT receive a confirmation message, even after checking your spam or junk mail folder, it means there was probably an error with your submission. In this case, please contact the Website Administrator to check on the status of your submission. In most cases, failure to receive a confirmation message means the presentation details were not submitted correctly. If you have any doubts about whether or not your submission was received, please contact us.
• We will notify presenters in June 2025 with submission results. It is important you check your email around this time as presenters who do not confirm their intention to present within a month of the notification being sent may be removed from the schedule.
• It is your responsibility to confirm your presentation even if you are away from home or work. The deadline for pre-registering will become available in August 2025.
• Be sure to notify the Conference Planning Team of any changes in your contact address. If we cannot contact you via email, your submission will be dropped. Contact us at: conf-program@jalt.org

Submission Form Sections

Title - Your title must be a maximum of 60 characters and spaces in total. Titles exceeding this limit will be truncated at 60 characters during the submission process.

Authors - One person must be designated as the contact person. Have his or her email address ready along with all presenter affiliations and JALT membership numbers if available. Also indicate which days, if any, the presenter(s) are not available. Please enter presenter names carefully and check the correct spelling and preferred name format for each presenter taking part in a presentation. Errors in names can result in programming clashes or mistakes in handbook listings. Include correct JALT membership numbers where available to help make the registration process easier. Include a valid email address for each presenter. Important note: The author must hit the "Microphone" icon for the submission to be accepted by the system.

Contribution Type - Select the appropriate format for your presentation:
• Forum (60 minutes)
• Forum (90 minutes) (For SIG forums and meetings)
• Poster session (60 minutes)
• Practice-oriented workshop (30 minutes)
• Practice-oriented workshop (60 minutes)
• Research-oriented presentation (30 minutes)
• Research-oriented presentation (60 minutes)

Track - Select a content area related to a JALT SIG. The reviewers of your abstract will be assigned based on the content area you choose so it is VERY IMPORTANT to choose an appropriate track.
1. Japanese and Other Language Teaching & Learning
2. Language Classroom Content
3. Language Skills
4. Learner Development
5. Materials and Assessment
6. Other Learners & Contexts
7. Pedagogy
8. Psychology & Language Learning
9. Sociocultural-Linguistics & Pragmatics
10. Sociopolitical Factors
11. Teacher and Professional Development
12. Teaching Younger Learners
13. Technology
14. Non-teaching Content (for meetings and JALT business sessions)

Commercial Promotion - Indicate whether or not this session will be promoting commercial teaching materials, commercial systems, or other commercial services. All commercial presentations will be designated as “Sponsored” in the paper handbook and website download of the conference handbook

Language - Presentations can be delivered in any language. However, abstracts must be submitted in English or Japanese.

Teaching Context - This is used for program scheduling and will appear in the conference handbook. Choose the most appropriate context for your presentation.
1. Assistant Language Teachers
2. College and University Educators
3. Conversation / Language School
4. General
5. Junior / Senior High-School
6. Teaching Children
7. Teaching Mature / Lifelong Learners
8. Non-Teaching Context (Meetings, Business Sessions, etc.)

Summary - Summaries are limited to 75 words (150 characters in Japanese) and should be written in the language of the presentation. Try to convey the main ideas of your presentation in order to attract an audience. The summary appears in the conference handbook so this is what conference participants see, it is not reviewed by abstract reviewers. Summaries may be edited for length and clarity.

Abstract - Abstracts (maximum 350 words) are evaluated by three or more reviewers to determine which vetted presentations are accepted. As well as the abstract, the reviewers see the title, content area, context, and format. The abstract is the major consideration in decisions to accept or reject submissions so it is essential to follow the abstract guidelines. Please make sure that:
• Your abstract is between 150 and 350 words in English or 300-500 characters in Japanese for sections 1 to 4 combined. The reference section is not counted as part of the abstract word count. Although sections 1 to 4 have individual word count limits, the overall word count must not exceed 350 words.
• The abstract includes five sections:
1. Background (100 words maximum)
2. Method/Content (75 words maximum)
3. Research questions/Aims (75 words maximum)
4. Results and discussion/Outcomes (100 words maximum)
5. References (No word limit)

• An appropriate format (i.e., presentation or workshop, forum, or poster session) has been selected.
• The requested time (30/60/90 minutes) is appropriate for the content.
• The contents have been carefully edited and proofread.
• No name or information is included in the abstract that could be used to identify the possible presenter(s).

Advice Regarding Submissions

JALT encourages broad participation and a wide range of viewpoints; however, time and space limitations make it impossible to accept all the proposals submitted. Each abstract is reviewed by at least three independent reviewers. The only factors that reviewers consider are the quality of the written abstract and the evidence that the presentation will be relevant and well-prepared. All reviews are blind and reviewers are not provided with any information regarding the identity of the authors, including nationality, gender, or institutional affiliation.

We do not accept submissions that are not directly related to language teaching or the professional development of language teachers. If you are uncertain whether your proposal meets the criteria, please contact the Director of Conference.

Note that only a limited number of long presentations, workshops, and forum submissions can be accepted, depending on the space available. Only those submissions rated highest in the selection process will be considered.

Factors that strengthen:
• The topic and point of view are clearly stated.
• The format is appropriate to the topic.
• The material to be presented fits the time allotted.
• The presenter shows familiarity with current practice and/or research.
• The content of the presentation will add valuable knowledge to the field or present a useful skill.
• The abstract is well-written, carefully edited, and proofread.
• The format of the proposal abstract should follow the specified structure of Background, Method/Content, Research Questions/Aims, Results and Discussion/Outcomes, and References. You must complete all sections of the submission form, except the References section. However, having references increases the chance of acceptance. Make very sure there is no doubt in the mind of the reviewer what the presentation will show, investigate, or discuss.

Factors that weaken:
• The abstract is too short.
• The abstract is too general and no details or examples are given.
• The title is obscure, inappropriate, or unrelated to the content.
• Elaborate equipment is needed.
• The abstract is carelessly written.
• Insufficient time would be available to present.
• Abstract is not appropriate for the requested presentation type.

Factors that can lead to automatic rejection:
• The abstract word count is below 150 words.
• Identifying information is included in the abstract. This includes, but is not limited to: grant numbers, institution names, names of individuals, job titles, or positions held within JALT.
• Derogatory or offensive language is included.

Do ask a colleague to review your proposal before submitting. Even a careful writer may make errors that affect the proposal.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many proposals can I submit? 
There is no limit to the number of submissions a single person may make. However, so that as many people as possible may present at the conference, presenters with multiple submissions will be limited to a maximum of one vetted presentation as main presenter, and no more than two presentations in total. Please note that some exceptions apply (e.g., for plenary speakers) and the final decision rests with the Director of Conference.

2. How many individuals from a single institution can present in a 30-minute presentation or 60-minute presentation? 
No more than three individuals from any single institution should apply. Any more may result in a presentation being rejected.

3. I am not sure if I will be able to attend the conference or not. Should I submit a proposal regardless? 
We ask that you submit proposals only if you plan to attend the conference. We suggest that if your research is as yet unfinished, or you are unsure if you will have the funding or time to attend, it may be more suitable to wait and submit next year.

4. Can I submit a proposal that I have submitted to a previous JALT International Conference? 
Yes, you can resubmit if you were unsuccessful in the past or were accepted but did not take up the offer. However, if you have already presented the same material at a previous JALT International Conference or your summary and title have appeared in a JALT International Conference handbook (i.e., you canceled very late), your submission cannot be accepted (and will be removed once this is noticed).

5. How do I register for the conference? 
Preregistration details will be available on the conference website after August 1st. Online preregistration by credit card is the fastest and simplest way to register for the conference, but if you prefer to preregister via the Japan Post Office, please use the form available in specified issues of The Language Teacher (for JALT members). Nonmembers in Japan who wish to preregister using the Japan Post Office service should contact the JALT office for a copy of the postal transfer form. The deadline for presenter pre-registration will become available in August 2025.

6. Are there opportunities to submit manuscripts to JALT publications? 
Presenters are encouraged to submit revisions of their presentation for possible publication in the JALT Journal or The Language Teacher and articles based upon their presentations to the Post Conference Publication (See the Conference Handbook for details or visit the JALT Publications website: https://jalt-publications.org).

Presentation Equipment

• Each room will be equipped with tables and chairs and a digital projector (for computer display, except poster session rooms).
• You MUST bring your own computer and compatible connecting cables and devices. JALT will NOT provide computers.
• Any other equipment, including speakers, must be provided by the presenter.
• In the case of online presentations that are live, JALT will provide the platform for hosting a presentation. A liaison from the Conference Planning Committee will advise presenters on necessary technology they will need and procedures they will need to complete.

Photography and Other Recording

There may be photography, audio recording, or video recording at the conference. By entering the event premises you give consent to the use of your photograph, likeness, or video or audio recording in whole or in part without restriction or limitation for any educational or promotional purpose, or any purpose for distribution. If you do not want to be photographed or videotaped, please notify the individuals capturing the information.

Childcare and Caregivers

We plan on making childcare available onsite. We will be in touch with presenters regarding this once the details have been finalized. Caregivers who are accompanying a conference attendee with a child may attend free-of-charge for the purpose of childcare.

JALT Code of Conduct

JALT seeks to provide a safe, hospitable, and productive environment for all JALT members, staff, volunteers, and event attendees, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, or sexual orientation. JALT prohibits any intimidating, threatening, or harassing conduct during JALT events and any socializing related to those events. Harassment includes, but is not restricted to, offensive gestures or verbal comments related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, or sexual orientation, as well as inappropriate physical contact or unwelcome attention. Anyone who is asked to stop harassing behavior is expected to comply immediately. Action taken by JALT may range from a warning to notifying local law enforcement. Any harassment concerns should be brought to the attention of the JALT Code of Conduct Committee, the JALT President, or a member of the Board of Directors. Immediate steps will be taken to resolve the situation. Please the following site for further details:

The call for abstracts is closed.