October 31, 2025 to November 2, 2025
National Olympics Memorial Youth Center / 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Call for Abstracts

JALT2025 Call for Vetted Presentation Proposals


• All vetted submissions are due by Sunday, March 2, 2025, 11:59 PM (Japan Standard Time).
• There are two major deadlines for JALT2025 submissions – vetted and unvetted. The vetted deadline is above. The unvetted deadline will be released in January 2025. Please read the following carefully to ensure no problems with your submission.
• It is the submitter’s responsibility to ensure they submit via the correct link. If in doubt about how to make a presentation proposal, please email the Director of Conference (this will be a link – conferenceATjaltDOTorg).
• Only proposals received on or before the deadline that meet all guidelines will be reviewed.
• We will notify presenters in June 2025 with submission results.
• Noncommercial presenters at JALT2025 can submit a paper based on their presentation for publication in the peer-reviewed 2026 Postconference Publication, LanguageS: Learning, Teaching, Assessing – JALT 50 Years – Challenges and Perspectives.
• Non-JALT members are welcome and encouraged to submit. You do not have to be a JALT member to present at the conference, though the conference fees for JALT members are less than for nonmembers.
• If you are a first-time presenter, there are many ways to gain support for conference-related expenses. JALT Conference Planning can provide you with the appropriate information. See https://jalt.org/confence for up-to-date information.
• We support a multi- and pluri-lingual approach and recommend presenters, where possible, prepare slides in a language different than the spoken language of the presentation. JALT supports ways of presenting that provide full accessibility and inclusion for all attendees.

Key Points for All Submissions

Please follow these points carefully for vetted and unvetted. Failure to do so may result in your submission being rejected.

• The presentation is limited to a maximum of 6 presenters for all session formats.
>>No more than three individuals from any single institution should apply under the same submission.
>>To aim for diversity in the schedule, presenters are limited to a maximum of one vetted presentation as the main presenter and no more than two presentations in total. If you have more than the prescribed number, you will be asked to withdraw from some presentations.
• Those listed as presenters in the submission must attend the conference and take part in the presentation to be included in the handbook / schedule. We cannot include co-researchers if they are not present.
• We suggest that if your research is as yet unfinished, or you are unsure if you will have the funding or time to attend, it may be more suitable to wait and submit next year. We cannot accept substantive changes to submissions once the vetting procedure has begun.
• Abstracts must be submitted in English or Japanese.
• Your presentation can be in a language different than your abstract, but we recommend the spoken language and language on the slides be different to include attendees from different linguistic backgrounds. JALT supports such efforts, but places no demands on the presenter(s).
• Your presentation title must not be more than 60 characters including spaces. Titles must be in English.
• Your short summary is limited to a maximum of 75 words or 150 Japanese characters.
• Your abstract must be between 150-250 words or 300-500 Japanese characters.
>>No names or information that could identify the possible presenter(s) should be included. This includes research grant numbers, university names, and the like.

The call for abstracts is closed.