22 March 2025
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

What kind of presentations:

Topics involving language learning, language teaching, and professional development
30 minutes, including Q&A
We welcome multiple presenters per presentation!


English or Japanese

Who can Present:

Part-time and full-time students. Non-JALT members are welcome!




Tips for writing presentation proposals (From PanSIG)

Factors that strengthen:

  1. The topic and point of view are clearly stated.
  2. The format is appropriate to the topic.
  3. The content to be presented fits the time allotted.
  4. The presenter shows familiarity with current practice and/or
  5. The content of the presentation will add knowledge to the field or
    present a useful skill.
  6. The abstract is well-written, carefully edited, and proofread.
  7. The format of the proposal abstract follows a clear three-step
    order, [Background introduction], [Problem addressed], [What will be addressed in the presentation? Clearly explain what the presentation will show, investigate, or discuss]

Factors that weaken:

  1. The abstract is too general, lacks details and/or examples.
  2. The title is obscure, inappropriate, or unrelated to the content.
  3. Elaborate equipment is needed.
  4. The abstract includes unclear language.
  5. Insufficient time would be available to present.
  6. Abstract is not appropriate for the requested presentation type.

Factors that can lead to rejection:

  1. Abstract word count is below 150 words.
  2. Proposal contains plagiarized material (including self-plagiarism of
    your own abstracts and titles from other presentations or
  3. Identifying information is included in the abstract. This includes,
    but is not limited to: grant numbers, institution names, names of
    individuals, job titles, or positions held within JALT. Abstracts
    should be anonymous when vetted. After vetting, you will have an
    opportunity to add identifying information to your abstract if
  4. The proposal contains derogatory or offensive language.
  5. The proposal is an advertisement for a commercial product

Vetting Rubric

Your proposal will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  1. This presentation would be a valuable addition to the JALT SPIN
  2. The abstract is an appropriate length
  3. The topic and point of view are clearly stated.
  4. The topic is related to language learning or education
  5. The abstract shows familiarity with current practice and/or
  6. The presentation would add valuable knowledge to the field or
    present a useful skill.
  7. Both experts and those new to the topic would understand the
  8. The proposal is clear and coherent.
  9. The abstract is well written in an appropriate academic register.
  10. The abstract is carefully edited and proofread.

*Please note: JALT SPIN reserves the right to edit accepted abstracts for length and clarity.

Information related to Abstract Writing:

PanSIG Abstract Writing Workshop
PanSIG Tips for Presentation Proposal Submission

The call for abstracts is closed.