Have you ever wondered how the content you’re teaching in class makes its way into your students’ brains? Well, that journey begins from their eyes and ears, which send information to their Sensory Memory. From there, the salient bit of sensory input–ideally that new content being taught–makes its way to a student’s Working Memory. After a couple of minutes, that new information finishes its...
Supported by research findings, the Brain-friendly Study Skills workshop proposes a bottom-up and health-conscious approach to enhance learning productivity for you and your students. Bottom-up in order to work on learning problems at the root causes, and health-conscious because, on top of the obvious health benefit to be expected, healthy lifestyles are often more productive. The workshop...
We now have an understanding of how the brain does language. Embodiment is the key, meaning that almost all meaning comes from the way your brain records experiences as sensory routines. Language too is stored in motor-sensory models. If you hear the expression coffee-colored dog, you not only activate sensory routines for the sight and smell of a dog, but for coffee too, and more. This view...