21 September 2024
Iwate University Ueda Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Needs Analysis in Making Tourism Textbook

21 Sept 2024, 11:10
Poster Room (Iwate University - Ueda Campus)

Poster Room

Iwate University - Ueda Campus

Poster Sessions Morning (11:10am-12:10pm) Poster Session 1 Morning


This poster presentation shows the process of making a textbook for inbound tourism. The local people around the international cruise ship terminal in Shimizu struggle with English needed for visiting passengers and crews. To solve this problem, seventy-six Tokai University students interviewed local people at the terminal and analyzed and categorized their needs. The textbook is the result and is especially unique due to the large number of students involved in its creation.

Primary author

Kazumi Kato (Tokai University)

Presentation materials