30 September 2023 to 1 October 2023
Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (Imadegawa Campus)
Asia/Tokyo timezone
Welcome! Prepare your hearts and minds....the conference starts tomorrow!

The Collaborative Nature of Filmmaking (Workshop) (E)

1 Oct 2023, 13:30


Felicity Tillack (Kyoto International School)


Filmmaking is one of the most collaborative forms of creation. In the 15-minute presentation section, I will highlight the different ways that filmmaking brings people together through personal examples from my own work, including YouTube interviews with 3rd Culture Kids, a narrative feature film exploring the concept of mixed identity, and even a musical TikTok series. Then, I will outline the process of film creation we will use in the workshop, providing a handout to participants to refer to.

During the workshop portion, participants will form small teams to consider and brainstorm ideas connected to the theme, “Coming Together” and then experience the collaborative nature of film first-hand experience as they film and edit a 3-minute film, using iPads or similar devices, with support from Kyoto International School students.

Time permitting, we will perform a gallery walk, and engage in giving constructive feedback to each other. Alternatively, post-production may be completed later and uploaded for general viewing.

Presentation materials

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