17–19 May 2024
Meijo University Nagoya Dome Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Teachers' Perspectives on the Integration of AI in the Classroom: A Global Survey

18 May 2024, 09:30
DN 407 (North Building)

DN 407 (North Building)

Research Presentation (30 minutes) Professional Development and Teacher Training DN 407: Professional Development and Teacher Training


Deborah Broadby (Sugiyama Jogakuen University) Jaime Morrish (Sugiyama Jogakuen Univesity)


The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has opened new horizons in education, potentially transforming the traditional classroom into a dynamic and adaptive learning environment. This presentation explores the findings of a comprehensive global survey, including educators from diverse teaching backgrounds, teaching experiences, and geographical locations. Our research sought to understand teachers' perceptions of AI in education, focusing on two primary areas: teachers' views on students' use of AI in the classroom and teachers' utilisation of AI for creating class materials.
The first section of our study explores teachers' perspectives on students' engagement with AI tools and applications. Through a selection of multiple-choice, likert scale, and open-ended questions, we examined teachers' familiarity with AI in education, their experiences with AI integration, and their perceptions of the impact of AI on student learning and engagement. We also delved into teachers' opinions on the benefits and challenges associated with students' use of AI, shedding light on their concerns regarding ethical considerations and the potential for overreliance on AI.
In the second section of our questionnaire, we investigated how teachers employ AI to create teaching materials. Our survey inquired about their use of AI-based tools, their experiences with AI-generated content, and the perceived effects of AI on the quality and efficiency of teaching material development. We also probed into teachers' views on the advantages and challenges of incorporating AI into creating educational resources and their willingness to receive further training.
Our research reveals diverse insights from teachers worldwide, offering a nuanced understanding of their perspectives on AI in education. The findings provide valuable guidance for educational policymakers, technology developers, and fellow educators aiming to harness the potential of AI to enhance teaching and learning. We present our results to foster informed discussions and collaborative efforts in the dynamic field of AI in education, ultimately striving to create more inclusive, effective, and personalised learning experiences for students worldwide.

Keywords AI in Education, Teacher Perspectives, Educational Technology, Ethical Considerations

Primary authors

Deborah Broadby (Sugiyama Jogakuen University) Jaime Morrish (Sugiyama Jogakuen Univesity)

Presentation materials

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