17–19 May 2024
Meijo University Nagoya Dome Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Integrating AI in assessment and evaluation in higher education

18 May 2024, 10:50
DN 403 (North Building)

DN 403 (North Building)

Practice-based Presentation (30 minutes) AI for Teaching DN 403: AI for Teaching


Dr Freek Olaf de Groot (City University of Hong Kong)Dr Jackie L. K. Yeoh (BNU-HKBU United International College)


In recent years, universities have been dealing with the concerns of the utilisation of artificial intelligence, especially with the emergence of ChatGPT. This technology can not only generate written contents, i.e. human-like responses to questions and prompts, it can also affect assessments and evaluation methods. This paper presents a pedagogical approach that focuses on integrating artificial intelligence (AI), in particular Ernie Bot, a Chinese version of ChatGPT, into the assessment and evaluation process in the context of language education. The approach is designed to enhance the understanding of AI's role in learning, develop skills in designing AI-informed assessment tasks, and cultivate critical AI literacy among a group of Year 3 TESOL undergraduate students in a university located at Guangdong Province, China. Overall, this pedagogical approach enables TESOL undergraduate students to develop awareness and understanding of AI's role in learning, cultivate skills in designing AI-informed assessment tasks, and foster critical AI literacy through hands-on experiences. By integrating AI into language education assessment and evaluation, this approach prepares students to navigate the evolving landscape of technology-mediated language learning environments. This presentation also aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion around the use of AI in higher education assessment and evaluation, highlighting the need for more research and a critical evaluation of its challenges and impact.

Keywords Artificial Intelligence, Language Education, Assessment and Evaluation, Critical AI Literacy

Primary authors

Dr Freek Olaf de Groot (City University of Hong Kong) Dr Jackie L. K. Yeoh (BNU-HKBU United International College)

Presentation materials

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