17–19 May 2024
Meijo University Nagoya Dome Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

AI Natives' Perspectives on ChatGPT Pedagogy

19 May 2024, 12:10
DN 407 (North Building)

DN 407 (North Building)

Practice-based Presentation (30 minutes) AI for Teaching DN 407


Amelia Ijiri (Kyoto Institute of Technology) Sandra Healy (Kyoto Institute of Technology)


This study focuses on educational artificial intelligence (AI), centering on the impact of AI in transforming educational paradigms. Recent research efforts, including those at Harvard's Next Level Lab (2023) and insights from thought leaders like Donald Clark (2023) and Paul Kim at Stanford’s SMILE lab, highlight the shift from traditional teaching methods to dynamic, just-in-time Socratic learning processes facilitated by AI. Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are at the forefront of this shift. As Martin et al. (2020) observe, adopting emerging technologies in education typically starts with isolated case studies before evolving into a comprehensive research body that addresses existing knowledge gaps. Our study aims to add to this nascent body of research. Focusing on integrating AI tools in a first-year English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom, we explore the concept of Intelligence Augmentation (IA). This concept promotes a symbiotic relationship between AI and human intelligence, as Hassani et al. (2020) outlined.

Employing a qualitative approach, we examined students' engagement with AI over one semester and their perspectives on its use. A specially designed questionnaire assessed learner motivation, attitudes, and self-efficacy. We adapted interview questions from Hwang et al. (2009) to better understand students' views on the learning method. This data is instrumental in assessing the approach's effectiveness and pinpointing potential areas for enhancement, particularly AI's potential to enhance critical thinking, active learning, and engagement by guiding question creation and tailoring it to individual styles. In summary, the study hopes to advance our understanding of the role of AI in education, particularly in EFL classrooms, by assessing its impact on students' perception of the IA learning approach. It also aims to provide practical insights for educators and policymakers looking to leverage AI in educational settings.

Keywords Educational AI, Intelligence Augmentation (IA), Student engagement,

Primary author

Amelia Ijiri (Kyoto Institute of Technology)


Sandra Healy (Kyoto Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials

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