17–19 May 2024
Meijo University Nagoya Dome Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

MAVR SIG - Immersive Learning Showcase

18 May 2024, 15:40
1h 10m
DN 409 (North Building)

DN 409 (North Building)


Florinda Palma Gil (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Mehrasa Alizadeh (Otemon Gakuin University) Roberto Figueroa (University of the Philippines) Shari Eunice San Pablo (University of the Philippines Open University)


The MAVR Immersive Learning Showcase at the JALT CALL Conference 2024, taking place at Meijo University Dome Mae Campus, Nagoya from May 17th to 19th, represents a critical junction of pioneering insights and breakthroughs in mixed, augmented, and virtual realities, specifically tailored for language learning.

This event mirrors the MAVR Special Interest Group's commitment to advancing educational technologies. It underscores recent progress and strategic pathways for embedding immersive experiences alongside AI-driven approaches in language learning, aligning with JALT CALL's theme of exploring the potential of AI in enhancing language education methodologies.

From the State of MAVR Address by Eric Hawkinson, extending through interactive workshops and research reports by Shari Eunice San Pablo, Roberto Figueroa Jr., Florinda Amparo Palma-Gil, and Mehrasa Alizadeh, the forum highlights the critical roles of diversity, inclusion, and collaborative exploration in crafting immersive learning environments, with discussions related to artificial intelligence. This inclusion of AI enriches the discourse, underscoring its potential to revolutionize immersive learning by enhancing personalized learning experiences, automating feedback, and facilitating deeper engagement with language content.

The roundtable discussion broadens this conversation further, encouraging all attendees to share insights and ideas, contributing to a shared vision for future research and practical applications in the field that include AI as a pivotal element.

This event serves as a powerful illustration of MAVR’s dedication to advancing educational practices through technological innovation, including AI, thereby nurturing a community of collaboration, innovation, and inquiry.

Presentation 1: State of MAVR Address 2024
Eric Hawkinson, MAVR President, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
The 2024 State of MAVR Address provides a comprehensive overview of the Mixed, Augmented, and Virtual Realities (MAVR) Special Interest Group's recent advancements, key achievements, and strategic direction within the domain of technology-enhanced language learning. It emphasizes the organization's adherence to principles of diversity, inclusion, and respectful engagement, aligning with the JALT Code of Conduct. The address delineates MAVR's contributions to fostering immersive learning experiences through augmented and virtual realities. It also outlines the potential of AI’s convergence to these frontier technologies. Furthermore, it outlines ongoing initiatives to support and expand language education, including the solicitation of contributions to the MAVR Journal and the facilitation of the "MAVR in the Metaverse" event series. This discourse serves to articulate MAVR's continued commitment to innovating at the nexus of educational technology and language instruction, while setting a forward-looking agenda for research and community engagement.

Presentation 2: Lessons and Exhibits in the Metaverse
Mehrasa Alizadeh, Shari Eunice San Pablo, and Roberto Figueroa Jr. will teach participants how to use FRAME (https://framevr.io/) to create VR-based language learning lessons and exhibits. The presenters will describe different cases on how the metaverse was used including how they delivered online EFL flipped lessons or facilitated global exchanges through virtual exhibits using FRAME. Web-based VR platform FRAME lets people access the space using their computer or phone without headgear. The platform can host varied numbers of students based on the subscription plan in desert islands, conference rooms, and exotic gardens. Students build avatars and can communicate in groups or use private voice zones for smaller groups or pair work after entering the space.

Presentation 3: Virtualizing Campus Tours and Developing VR Tours for Language Education in Blended Learning Contexts. Roberto Figueroa Jr. and Florinda Palma Gil will teach participants how to use various VR Tour platforms like Kuula, H5P, and 3D Vista. They will also share how they were able to use these VR tours for teaching Filipino Language Education in online and blended contexts as well as for promoting their university through virtual campus tours.

Primary author

Roberto Figueroa (University of the Philippines)


Florinda Palma Gil (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Florinda Palma-Gil (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Mehrasa Alizadeh (Otemon Gakuin University) Shari Eunice San Pablo (University of the Philippines Open University)

Presentation materials