17–19 May 2024
Meijo University Nagoya Dome Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

AI in the Streets, Devil in the Sheets

18 May 2024, 11:30
DN 403 (North Building)

DN 403 (North Building)

Practice-based Presentation (30 minutes) AI for Teaching DN 403: AI for Teaching


Brent Warner (JALT CALL)


While the AI revolution has opened up a lot of conversations around chatbots and image generation, many teachers haven’t considered the ways that AI can be used in spreadsheets to simplify tracking of student information, easily import content into apps like Kahoot, and most importantly, differentiate instruction for each of your students depending on their level, skillset, and interests.

        This session focuses on devilishly simple approaches to save you time and money, and turn you into a rockstar teacher while doing it (no banjos necessary!). Participants do not need to be spreadsheet savvy to take advantage of the ideas in this session - if you know how to cut and paste, you’re in for an eye opening experience!

        By the end of this session, attendees will know how to use AI to build custom spreadsheets on the fly, how to create instant quizzes (and save over $100 doing it), and how to create fully customized content for each student in your class in less time than it has traditionally taken you to make a single worksheet. And you don’t even have to sell your soul to learn it!
Is this a sponsored session? No

Primary author

Brent Warner (JALT CALL)

Presentation materials

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