17–19 May 2024
Meijo University Nagoya Dome Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Exploring the Intersection of AI and Language Learning: A Study of Japanese and International Students' Perspectives

18 May 2024, 15:00
DW 306 (West Building)

DW 306 (West Building)

Research Presentation (30 minutes) AI for Learning DW 306: Mixed Sessions


Jeremy White (Ritsumeikan University)


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has transformed language education by personalizing learning experiences, providing instant feedback, and offering immersive practice opportunities. This presentation explores AI's pivotal role in reshaping traditional pedagogies and its implications for the future of language education. AI in CALL facilitates authentic language acquisition through intelligent algorithms and natural language processing, making quality education more accessible and inclusive. The presentation showcases how AI technologies, such as machine learning and speech recognition, can revolutionize language learning practices, enhance proficiency and fostering learner autonomy. Additionally, the presentation unveils findings from a study of 107 Japanese and international university students' attitudes towards AI integration in English language learning. Students’ expressed enthusiasm for AI-driven tools to improve their language skills, indicating receptiveness to future integration of AI into curricula. Additionally, the presentation demonstrates an original AI website developed by the researchers to enhance spoken language skills, highlighting its potential for learners of all levels and locations. Positive feedback from participants in the study underscores the viability of AI applications in language education. Participants in this presentation will have the opportunity to use the application and give their feedback on it’s usefulness in English language education. Finally, the presentation discusses the future implications of AI in language education, emphasizing its role in redefining classroom dynamics and pedagogical practices. By harnessing AI, educators can create adaptive learning environments that foster linguistic competence and cross-cultural understanding, promoting inclusivity and efficiency in nurturing global competencies. This presentation advocates for a paradigm shift towards AI-driven pedagogies, empowering learners, and educators in their pursuit of linguistic proficiency and cross-cultural communication.

Keywords AI, CALL, classroom pedagogy, learning experience
Is this a sponsored session? No

Primary author

Jeremy White (Ritsumeikan University)

Presentation materials

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